Barn Raising Blog
A horse owner whose long-held wish has been to have her horses in her backyard, chronicles her adventures with zoning, construction choices and more in this blog.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Ready, Set... SNOW!

Scheduled for delivery on Monday, Feb. 26, I was beside myself when we got the big ice and snow storm on Valentine's Day! Thankfully, Tim's earth-moving equipment doubled for snow removal! Here's the pad on Feb. 24th, ready for construction to start. Pioneer Builders said they pretty much build all year round, only stopping for a LOT of snow or ice.
All Hail Shale

We needed a good foundation surface for the barn both inside and out, providing good drainage. As we were contemplating having gravel trucked in, Tim and Kenny realized that right on our own property, just under the topsoil was a great (and free) option: shale! These photos show Tim digging out the shale, and moving it over to make the base/pad for the barn.