I have barrel horses and we also keep a sale Thorough- bred or two for my other business,
Mix & Match Equine Referral. None of our horses need to be on pasture. We like to control their rations at all times, so we did not need to figure in much grazing area - just enough for an hour a day or so, after riding. I like to use grass as a reward and relaxation exercise. We opted to start with just two runs (small paddocks) for my barrel horses, keeping the footing as non-muddy as possible (more on that in a later post!). As luck would have it, a friend of mine was selling her very lightly used round-pen, consisting of twelve 12 ft. panels and a gate. Of course, I got the friend discount too! Pipe fence panels offer a quick, safe option that doesn't necessarily need to be permanent. Non-permanent is a great way to start out; if you need a larger area than first planned, you're not locked in to solid fencing with posts in the ground.
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